Educational Math-Based FPS Ignites Protest

Currently Albuquerque, New Mexico parents are in an uproar over a PC game designed to teach math to students at Madison Middle School--one of three Albuquerque Public Schools that's using the high-action PC game which is fully-funded by a grant from the Department of Defense.

According to the school's science department head Gary Bodman, the game--DimensionM (multiplayer) from Tabula Digita-- is "something that [is] just like a 21-century flash card," covering math subjects ranging from basic properties to algebra.

Doesn't sound harmful, right? After all, it's backed by the government. It's also not designed to replace the teacher, but rather to reinforce what the students have already learned in class. They get to use jetpacks, shoot a green goo gun (ripped from UT series), and endure plenty of math-charged action that is apparently doing the trick.

But local Albuquerque parents don't see it that way. They're complaining about the game's action-oriented content, and are starting a crusade to get it banned from the schools.

"We are feeding the addiction of these children to video games," said one parent. "They were all excited … because of the violence."

One comment from a student could be a prime example of the parents' concern. "I don't like to leave," the student said. "If I could have a choice to play this night and day, all summer, I would play it every day." On the other hand, the student also said that he had no idea what prime numbers were until he got a chance to play DimensionM.

"What the recall is, is not the prime number they were talking about, but rather getting through to the enemy," the same parent retaliated.

Despite recent protests, DimensionM has been around for many years, played by students all across the nation. There are even large-scale tournaments where students get together and battle it out in the name of math. Starting a crusade against the game may be a little moot at this point.

"Anything we can do to meet the kids on their own grounds and educate them is to our advantage," Bodman added. Interested parents and educators can download a demo that is playable on the Internet.

  • jomofro39
    This is sad. Poor children. Keep them on lock-down now and they will rebel in the future.
  • sliem
    Parents don't know what they want let alone what their kids' wants.
  • bearracuda
    Without DimensionM:
    "I love recess mom, I got to hit timmy with a stick!"
    "That's nice dear."

    With DimensionM:
    "I love school, mom, I know prime numbers now, and I got to shoot a goop gun in the computer!"
  • jacobdrj
    We all know that the DoD is just programming sleeper agents for future use in the US' battles with the un-free world... Project Christmas...
  • jacobdrj
    I had an 3rd person, umm, eater(?) when I was in school. NUMBER MUNCHER FOREVER!!!
    Man that used to get competitive: Who competed for computer time, who competed for score etc...

    I have fond memory of those 8-colored Texas Instruments cartridge-based computers... Good times...
  • Glorian
    God forbid these parents actually practice discipline in their homes and monitor their game playing or habits. The school actually does something the students like and these parents want to all over it. Hell instead of modernizing education lets keep it old school and bring back the paddle!
  • beckstrom12
    If I had a FPS to learn math in middle school I believe whole heartedly I would've scored higher on test and also it would reinforce what I learned.
  • CoryInJapan
    Man, if its getting kids this enthusiastic about learning.Im all for it.I see no harm in it as long as they Keep PE in school and the importance of a healthy body.

    Wish they would have had this in my days in elementary/jr.high.

  • jaysbob
    I agree with the parents, math related violence is really tearing our society apart!
  • Strider-Hiryu_79
    Love the old fogies who love to blame video games for all of life's problems.

    Bless your frail hearts.
