Sony Announces 17- and 25-inch OLED Monitors

Available in 17- and 25-inch flavors, the displays represent new additions to the company’s Trimaster EL line and will be dubbed the BVM-E series. Anyone who’s got a phone with an OLED display will be familiar with the rich colors, deep blacks and power-efficiency offered by OLED technology, however, Sony claims the BVM-E series are the first monitors to deliver full HD resolution OLED panels with RGB 10-bit drivers. You’ve got the usual 3G/HD/SD-SDI, HDMI and a DisplayPort, along with a panel resolution of 1920x1080. Standard luminance is 100 cd/m2.

“These new monitors are the next step in professional displays, providing end users with extremely high picture quality,” said Gary Mandle, senior product manager at Sony Electronics’ Professional Solutions of America group. “This is breakthrough technology for applications where visual performance and accuracy are paramount, offering an unbeatable combination of image reproduction, color accuracy, reliability and stability.”

The BVM-E250 is set for availability sometime in the middle of April, while the 17-inch BVM-E170 will be out in June. Of course, pricing is a bit scary (they are OLED panels, after all), and unless you’re in the fortunate position of being able to convince your boss you actually really, really do need one, it’s going to cost you ¥1.3 million ($15,710) for the 17-inch BVM-E170 or ¥2.4 million ($28,910) for the 25-inch BVM-E250.

*Image via Engadget

  • wribbs
    Kinda looks like a dishwasher and a microwave, why are they so thick and ugly? It's nice of Sony to use there standard pricing though.
  • goodguy713
    lol its huge ! and super exspensive .. umm i dont think i would ever buy something like that.. not even just to say i have one..
  • curiousgeorgieo
    Chump change
  • gti88
    I remember that 5 years ago it was sayd that OLED displays would replace LCDs, because former are better and cheaper in production.
  • xrodney
    $28,910 - could have 20+ 30" dells for that price.
    OLED looks good, but not that much for this price premium.
  • tomate2
    will it blend??
    anyone?? lol
  • scrumworks
    CRTs are back.
  • nebun
    scrumworksCRTs are back.true that
  • alidan
    and here i am, wanting an oled monitor. at this rate with how much they cost, they may as well release sed monitors. a MASSIVE step above lcds, and at only twice the cost.

    the company that wanted to go ahead with seds didn't because they would cost twice the amount as on lcd, and oled which should only cost 1-5$ to produce a scree, cost WAY the f@#% to much to buy.
  • JohnnyLucky
    All of a sudden my Dell u3011 doesn't seem so expensiv anymore.