Skyrim Premium Edition Confirmed by Bethesda

If you missed out on the Skyrim: Collector's Edition and you don't quite feel like paying exorbitant amounts for a rare copy, Skyrim: Premium Edition might be up your alley.

Bethesda recently confirmed the existence of this special edition of Skyrim after listed Skyrim: Premium Edition on its digital shelves.

This edition of Skyrim is loaded with goodies, including a map of Tamriel, an Elder Scrolls novel, six concept art postcards, a t-shirt, and a bonus disc (for PC only) containing a 600-paged e-book and the official soundtrack. Not bad, considering the price you're paying.

However, don't mistake Premium Edition as synonymous with Game of the Year edition. Skyrim: Premium Edition will be shipping with plenty of physical goods, but none of the DLC.

Skyrim: Premium Edition will be hitting retailers on December 7th later this year.

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  • joytech22
    None of the DLC..? Well umm..
    That's not very premium. lol.
  • bak0n
    Unless they've added coop so I can play with my friends and family, then I still won't be buying it. :P
  • tomfreak
    Bethesda see u in 2years when u release game of the year edition for $15.
  • house70
    It's a great game. To each it's own.
  • killerclick
    Just give us the Solstheim DLC and start working on Fallout 4.
  • infernolink
    They should release this on 12/12/12 as a nice touch to the original release of Skyrim on 11/11/11.
  • fedelm
    Is the UI improved? No? Still scrolling through a thousand items to get the one I want? Still having to navigate 3 menus to see my current buffs and stats?

    Oh...what a pity...

  • JohnGalt1
    fedelmIs the UI improved? No? Still scrolling through a thousand items to get the one I want? Still having to navigate 3 menus to see my current buffs and stats?Oh...what a pity...
    Agreed. This was, perhaps, one of the biggest drawbacks in all of Skyrim. That and glitchy un-startable quests.
  • eklipz330
    whats the point of this release? they already release two copies of the same game in their lifetime, why make it 3? this makes me sour.
  • assasin32
    I just want the GOTY edition I don't feel like paying twice the price for the game, (won't deny it's probably worth it, but I don't have the funds to waste money)