Humble Bundle Brings Humongous Entertainment To Android

Humble Bundle pushed out a new game bundle featuring titles from Humongous Entertainment such as Putt-Putt, Spy Fox, Freddi Fish, and Pajama Sam. Although these games were originally designed for PC in the late 1990s, this bundle contains ports of the titles you can play on Android.

In the early days of gaming, PCs were not an especially kid-friendly way to play games. PC gaming was already popular, but fighting with space on floppy disks, configuring the software, and other factors restricted PC games to a slightly older audience or required an adult to help start the game.

Game consoles were more popular at that time, in part because of the ease with which games could be set up and played. The game controller was much simpler than a full keyboard, and after simply pushing a game cartridge into the system and turning on your TV, you were ready to play.

This changed over time as user-friendly GUI-based operating systems like Windows 95 became increasingly more popular, and larger storage devices were created. This made PC gaming for kids viable, as they could easily start and play many games installed on a computer using a GUI. A new market for kid friendly games was created, and Humongous Entertainment was one of the first companies to fill it.

If you grew up in the 1990s, you probably recall playing some of these games. In the first tier of games in this bundle, unlocked for $1, users will receive Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo, Spy Fox In Dry Cereal, Freddi Fish: Haunted Schoolhouse, and Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide. For some, these games represent the best title in each series.

Moving up to the second tier in the bundle, there are an additional four games: Putt-Putt Joins the Circus, Pajama Sam Thunder & Lightning, Freddi Fish & the Stolen Shell, and Putt-Putt Enters the Race. The price of this tier depends on the average paid among all bundles previously purchased, so it may change over time, but it currently sits at $7.56. Additional games will be added to this tier on Monday, August 31.

All of the games in tier 1 and tier 2 are DRM-free games for Android. For customers wanting to give these games to their children, this is probably for the best, given the popularity of touchscreen Android devices today. All of these games originally used a simple point-and-click style of gameplay, which is easily replicated with touchscreen controls.

This bundle features two premium tiers that can also be unlocked if users desire. The first premium tier is priced at $10.99. No new games are included at this price, but users will be able to get Steam keys for them and install them on any Windows, Mac or Linux-based system in addition to any Android device. A 75 percent off coupon is also included, which can be used to purchase one additional Humongous Entertainment Steam key from the Humble Store.

The final tier that users can opt to purchase costs $29.99 and includes a pair of Pajama Sam socks and a Putt-Putt car air freshener.

As usual with Humble Bundles, part of the proceeds from each bundle purchased is donated to a charity. This time, Humble Bundle is sending its donations to the Make-A-Wish foundation. By default, most of the money spent on the bundle, roughly 65 percent, will be given to Humongous Entertainment for providing this content. Of the remaining 35 percent, 20 percent is donated to the Make-A-Wish foundation, while Humble Bundle keeps the last 15 percent. You can customize these values if you desire, however, and decide how much of the money you spend goes to which organization.

The bundle will continue for another 13 days.

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Michael Justin Allen Sexton is a Contributing Writer for Tom's Hardware US. He covers hardware component news, specializing in CPUs and motherboards.