Nvidia Entering the Bundle Race with a F2P Package

Potentially to respond to AMD's well received Never Settle Bundle, Nvidia has unveiled it's own graphics card bundle that features credit for 3 prominent Free-To-Play titles, specifically Hawken, Planetside 2 and World of Tanks. Gamers who purchase a GTX 650 or 650 Ti will receive $75 of in game credit ($25 per title) and buying a GTX 660 or higher will provide $150 of in game credit ($50 per title).

Whilst Nvidia has certainly taken an interesting approach with this bundle, it remains to be seen whether it will effectively entice consumers to buy a GTX graphics card or whether the company will revert to including retail AAA titles in its next bundle. For more information and the offer's terms and conditions you can check out the relevant page on Nvidia's website.

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  • GabZDK
    But wait, ain't this like 3 days later??

    The bundle seems ok, but I would like to be able to decide in which game I spend the cash, I don't play World of Tanks, and being able to use that money instead in Planetside 2 would be really good
  • samuelspark
    GabZDKBut wait, ain't this like 3 days later??The bundle seems ok, but I would like to be able to decide in which game I spend the cash, I don't play World of Tanks, and being able to use that money instead in Planetside 2 would be really good
    That's just way too much work for the company. You get credit for all 3 anyway
  • CaedenV
    Come on nVidia, AMD at least has games that I would be interested in playing with their bundle.
  • edgewood112358
    Yay Competition! This is capitalism at it's best!
  • abbadon_34
    Wow, this is pathetic, Nvidia just embarasses themselve in comparision to AMD's AAA Bundle. This just makes them look like a second rate company.
  • Soda-88
    Quite lame bundle, I'd rather see stuff like Heart of the Swarm, not that Blizzard has problems selling their titles, but still.
  • ilysaml
    This is a shitty bundle.
  • bigshootr8
    horrible bundle it isn't crysis 3, bioshiock infinite, far cry 3, tomb raider, sleeping dogs.
  • Free games????? Why don't they just bundle their cards with Steam lololol.
  • blazorthon
    Not a bad concept IMO, but I feel that this sort of bundle would be better as giving the choice to use the credit in any of the official F2P games or at least a wider selection.