OCZ Unveils Faster Vertex "Turbo" SSD

Intel's been at the top of the SSD performance heap since it unleashed its X25 line, giving serious system builders only one real choice for going solid state. Now storage competitors are catching up.

OCZ's Vertex line of SSDs is already a worthy choice for those looking for very fast storage, and now there's a turbocharged option as the company announced the Vertex Turbo Edition.

"OCZ is constantly looking for ways to advance our solutions, and based on feedback from our enthusiast consumers and top system integrators we looked for ways to further push the performance envelope in our popular Vertex Series of SSD’s," commented Ryan Edwards, director of product management for the OCZ Technology Group.

Edwards explained what makes this new line carry the turbo label: "The new Vertex Turbo makes use of the fastest SDR DRAM cache available and a proprietary FTL level firmware that provides an even faster solid state drive for enthusiasts looking for the ultimate desktop or laptop storage upgrade."

Specifically, the 64 MB SDR DRAM cache operates at 180 MHz in the Turbo Edition, as compared to 166 MHz in the regular model. The faster memory coupled with a tweaked firmware claim to deliver read and write speeds clocking in at up to 270 MB/s read and 210 MB/s write.

It's unknown if this firmware would also boost performance of the regular Vertex, but for now it seems to be one of the key distinguishing features of the Turbo Edition.

The Vertex Turbo SSDs are available in the following capacity and prices:

  • 32 GB - $139.99
  • 64 GB - $249.99
  • 128 GB - $409.00
  • 256 GB - $774.99
Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • jacobdrj
    Cool. Do the older ones' prices drop now?
  • mrubermonkey
    Sequential read and write performance is mostly a marketing tool and means little. I would still go with an Intel SSD for typical use due to the superior I/O of Intel's controller unless I had the unusual need for fast sequential write performance (Maybe for uncompressed 1080p 4:4:4 recording from camcorder to laptop).
  • warlordsagan
    Boo, those SSD prices arn't 20$ yet :D J/k
  • DXRick
    Where do they put the little turbochargers? :P
  • rambo117

    amen, i think most of us can wait till theyre at mainstream prices ;)

  • hikayu
    how about they stop releasing knew technolgy and focusing on bringing the technolgy to eveyone by making it cheaper ? right now , the speed of these SSD are pushing SATA 2 limit and even if they managed to make it even faster , we're not going to use it until SATA 3 has been standardized .
  • pocketdrummer
    hikayuhow about they stop releasing knew technolgy and focusing on bringing the technolgy to eveyone by making it cheaper ? right now , the speed of these SSD are pushing SATA 2 limit and even if they managed to make it even faster , we're not going to use it until SATA 3 has been standardized .
  • ThisIsMe
    It's not about max transfer rates. Those may push the SATA 2 limit, but the average speeds and the lowest speeds are what needs improving. Who cares if your drive can read data at 300MB/s if it only averages 120MB/s. It's those slow times that you'll notice. So I kinda' disagree with what you said about them pushing the SATA 2 limits. At least until they can average 250MB/s+.
  • vgdarkstar
    hikayuhow about they stop releasing knew technolgy and focusing on bringing the technolgy to eveyone by making it cheaper ? right now , the speed of these SSD are pushing SATA 2 limit and even if they managed to make it even faster , we're not going to use it until SATA 3 has been standardized .
    This is how they do it, by releasing better stuff, then the older stuff because cheaper.
  • ckiraly
    ...all that speed and I still can't get what I need done any faster.