C&C: Generals 2 Will Have Single Player Campaign

When Command & Conquer: Generals 2 was announced to be a part of a whole series of free-to-play Command & Conquer games, it seemed that BioWare Victory and EA would be steering Generals 2 towards a multiplayer-focused and e-sports direction.

Old Command & Conquer fans will be happy to hear that Generals 2will be featuring a single player campaign after all.

"Our intention with Command & Conquer is to create a triple-A experience,

"And by that I mean we're using Frostbite tech, we're using very high-end graphics.

"Does that mean it's not going to have single-player? No, that's something we've obviously heard loud and clear that is important to people. The beauty of free-to-play, is that we can adjust and adapt to what we're hearing as opposed to, 'I'm sorry, it's two months from ship and it is what it is.' It's a very different model because you don't have to build as much. You build in response to your audience," stated EA Labels President Frank Gibeau to Polygon.

EA decided to make the next series of Command & Conquer games free-to-play because the publisher believed that a combination of the Command & Conquer name the financial model would reach the largest player base.

Despite the change in financial model, Gibeau assures that Generals 2 will be very much based in the same universe as Generals, though the eventual goal is to add units from the Tiberium and Red Alert series into the mix.

Whatever the case, Command & Conquer fans will be able to enjoy Generals 2 on their own or with friends. Unfortunately, how intrusive the free-to-play structure will be in the game and whether or not it'll impact a player's success in the single player campaign, has yet to be revealed.

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  • stopthe_bomb
    How likely will they manage to screw this up?

    I'd bet a right and a left nut.

  • lahawzel
    I love how the game industry's standard new release expectations have changed so much that it's now news when an RTS is announced to have single-player.

    If someone made a news column titled "C&C: Red Alert 2 Will Have Single Player Campaign" back when that game came out, they would've been laughed out of the door. Same goes for "StarCraft: Brood War Will Have LAN", or "Diablo II to Have Offline Gameplay".
  • azathoth
    the eventual goal is to add units from the Tiberium and Red Alert series into the mix.
    Tanks for $2 each. I can see it now.

    When I first heard C&C: Generals 2 was coming out, and with frostbite engine I got extremely exited. However a few months back all hope was crushed when I saw Free to Play.
  • Pennanen
    Bioware in charge of quality gaming

    ~Oh mr tank you are so strong
    ~Why yes i am mrs.jet
    ~uguu hold me

    The first real time strategy war dating game.
  • I dont know how to feel abt this news. Seems like an afterthought after fans complain instead of being part of the design and development process of the game from the start. Just a ploy and tactic to get ppl buying the game and realise the single player is just a bunch of rag tag levels put together as a tutorial for the multiplayer part. Not convinced.
  • Kami3k
    Still don't care, scrap the F2P idea and return it to a standard game then I'll play it. Until then, nope. Another reason to consider EA and Bioware dead.
  • yobobjm
    Still no lan which was, at least for me, where a lot of my time was spent in the first game.
  • EA has lost all credibility. Peddling and conning gamers with half baked excuses on their questionable decisions. Its sad really to see Frank Gibeau trying to cover tracks.
  • Gundam288
    unless I see Westwood (R.I.P.) on a C&C title that is free of EA's control. I will have no intention of even thinking about buying/renting/playing/ or even torrenting said game(s).

    EA has killed some of my favorite games over the years. (C&C Red Alert, Battlefield, and a few others) The last C&C game I bought was the 1st decade, and it will be the last one since I saw how bad they messed up the red alert series among other C&C games.

    EA, just please file chapter 11 already......
  • randomizer
    "Our intention with Command & Conquer is to create a triple-A experience,

    "And by that I mean we're using Frostbite tech, we're using very high-end graphics.

    So that's the definition of a triple-A experience these days? Time to become a photographer and sell my slideshows games with nicely inflated prices.