VIDEO: Duke Nukem Vids Feature Jetpack, Poop

What do you get when you cross a jetpack with a bowl full of crap? Duke Nukem Forever! Although fans must endure yet another delay in Duke Nukem's "forever-and-a-day" developmental hell (albeit rather brief compared to the overall picture), 2K Games and Gearbox are now offering two more inspirational videos to keep fans entertained until the official launch. Just think of these clips as short cartoons before the main feature...

First up to bat is a clip showcasing a little fun using the notorious jetpak:

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Of course, a day can't go by without some kind of fun playing with poop:

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If you didn't catch the release dates, Duke Nukem Forever invades the earth on June 10, 2011, followed by a separate North American assault on June 14, 2011.

  • oneblackened
    That second video... WIN!
  • gorehound
    WIN !!!
    the duke is back and dirtier than ever
  • lp231
    10 year of development and we get to poop fling!
  • Swindez95
    This game...WILL be on my shelf the 14th of june. Nuff said.
  • BulkZerker
    Second vid is actually Madden 2012
  • bustapr
    this is going to be one of the most enjoyable games of all time
  • Filiprino
    This game is a BIG WIN.
  • joytech22
    I bet this game will be banned in Australia, or censored..
  • smeker
    The graphics look like from 2001.... The video is funny though :)
  • SirGCal
    (weird posting burb... Anyhow...)

    Uhh... wow... the graphics do look horrid.. I hope they are MUCH better at release...