TomTom and CoPilot to Tackle Olympic 2012 Traffic

Signing on to host the Olympics is a huge and expensive task. Before the games begin, the host city spends boat-loads of money to ensure it has infrastructure in place to support the games. Not only do you have to worry about having the sporting facilities necessary to host, you also have to worry about the added traffic to your roads, the massive influx of tourists, and countless other factors.

TomTom and CoPilot have announced that they'll be helping people deal with the added congestion thanks to the games with new, updated maps. Pocket-Lint reports that TomTom has actually set up a task force to continually update its mapping service, while CoPilot has said it will highlight areas affected or closed because of the Olympics. If your goal isn't to avoid the Olympics entirely, points of interest and venues for events will also be marked.

Latest road changes will be available at 6pm every evening, which means you should be able to avoid the congested areas while you're on your way to work the following day. If not, at least you'll know they're coming and can plan accordingly. CoPilot's ActiveTraffic service will also  monitor real-time road speeds to aid in the planning of your trip.

The Olympics will start on July 27 and continue through to August 12. TomTom has predicted that July 28, the day following the opening ceremony and the first day of the games, will be be the worst affected day for traffic. Brace yourselves!

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  • eddieroolz
    Good luck Londoners. Even with the Winter Olympics (which is smaller-scale than Summer) the roads of my city Vancouver was crowded to no end.