Windows 7 Beta No Longer Available for DL

Windows fans who have been meaning to get around to downloading the Windows 7 Beta have officially missed the boat. The Beta is officially offline as of today. Those in the midst of downloading have until February 12 to complete their download and those who have yet to get a product key can do so at their leisure.

Users who visit the download page are now being greeted with “Sorry, Windows 7 Beta downloads are no longer available. If your download was interrupted, you can still finish it. And, you can still register for a product key or look up the key you've already gotten.”

There’s also a few reminders for Beta testers, like watching the release notes for updated reports on bugs and fixes.

We’ve been writing about all things Windows 7 for a while but one thing we haven’t done is ask you guys what you think of it -- what do you think of the six versions of Windows 7; which version will you be getting; or if you’re upgrading to Windows 7 at all. Let us know in the comments section below!

  • Tindytim
    What Vista should have been.

    This doesn't change the fact that there is very little new. I'm more excited about what will be in NT 7.0 (Windows 7 is ironically NT 6.1).
  • Tekkamanraiden
    Amusing since I had to get a torrent version as the one from Microsoft kept crapping out during download.
  • A Stoner
    Looking at what I see, the speed at which they release new versions, I am hoping that Windows 8 will be more to my liking. I am sticking with XP until I can no longer play the games I like on it. They will probably be releasing a windows 7.1, 7.11, 7.5 and 7.999 between now and when when they actually make a new OS and charging for each service pa.. um new release.
  • eddieroolz
    Mine downloaded fine actually. Finished it in about two hours I believe, no hiccups.

    Like I've been saying on my blog, I really like what I've seen so far. I hope I can have enough cash to buy the Ultimate, but Home Premium wouldn't be too bad for me either.

  • The best Windows yet

    I put it on my new built machine and am loving the faster boot and shutdown times. This looks like it should be a hit, (slicker and faster). I like the new task bar. I will be switching all my Vista machines over to this when released.It will make my laptop respond faster and leaner.
  • hop
    for those who can't wait, try windows server 2008 R2.
  • How can you trust a company that treats its customers like this? I feel sorry for all the people that invested in Vista. XP is working fine for me. I just don't see that a need has been created to upgrade. Why should I? My favorite games still play (rock solidly I might add) on XP with very minimal penalties in graphics. It just seems like a bunch of marketing bullcrap.
  • jerreece
    I just find it amusing that in the Screenshot in the article, if you zoom in on the Computer Basic Info screen, it shows Copyright 2007.

    LOL Here we are in 2009, and their latest Beta Windows 7 still shows a Copyright of 2007. But, then again... perhaps Microsoft is just admitting what everyone else already claims. Windows 7 is just Vista with patches...?
  • igimax
    Hi everyone

    About Windows 7, It's a Vista with new look and with some reprogramming and solving some vista bugs that results ====> New OS with XP speed!!! (and little up!) so until now, no revolution happened here!

    About Download! I was downloading it through torrent, coz bad Microsoft server problems!

    Good Lock
  • igimax
    jerreeceI just find it amusing that in the Screenshot in the article, if you zoom in on the Computer Basic Info screen, it shows Copyright 2007.LOL Here we are in 2009, and their latest Beta Windows 7 still shows a Copyright of 2007. .......?If you look at left windows you can see Build 6801 and it is not the final one! (right now is 7000)