Keeping Your E-Ego Intact: Your Xbox Gamerscore and Avatar Can be Ported to Xbox One

However exciting the Xbox One reveal was, the new console isn't all sunshine and unicorns. Recent reports reveal that the Xbox One won't be backwards compatible (understandable in light of the fact that the One's architecture will be completely different from the Xbox 360's) and that the One will require an additional installation fee for every new account for a game.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel, at least for gamers who obsess over achievements and Gamerscore. Microsoft has confirmed that Gamerscores will be ported over to the One, along with Gamertags and avatars.

"Your hard-earned Gamerscore will port over, so yes you'll take that with you," stated Xbox UK marketing director Harvey Eagle, "You'll also take your Gamertag, your identity with you. Whilst we're making a much bigger bet on natural identity with the camera, Avatars will also feature as well. All of the gaming identity that you have on Xbox 360 will be there on Xbox One as well."

So while you can't take your XBLA downloads with you over to the One, at least you'll be able to keep your ego intact with the points you've racked up with your time on the 360.

  • nevilence
    Ha I love it, hadn't even considered that yet, glad someone else did.
  • hotroderx
    Wow at this 'and that the One will require an additional installation fee for every new account for a game.'
    Assuming I understand that correct the used game market for Xbox is dead? Since if you buy a used game you will have to pay for it then pay a fee to unlock it on your Xbox One. I think some other company tried something like this where you had to pay to unlock online multi player and it bite them in the butt. Seriously whats gotten into company's use to it was make a profit while giving great service... Now its just make a huge profit screw service. Who cares if we lose a customer there will be another uniformed sap to take there place.
  • CKKwan
    Additional Installation fee for every new account for a game? Does that mean multiple players for the same game on the same machine also has to pay? Or every time I change a machine (presumably something like 3ROD happened) and I have to pay again!?!?
  • manicmike
    Wait, so I pay $60 for a new game, and I want to keep my saves separate from my kids so we all have different accounts on my 360...
    Now you're telling me that If I want my kids' stuff to be kept separate so they don't accidentally overwrite my saved games, I have to pay an additional fee?
    FFS Microsoft, cut the nickel and dime bull$#!t. In less than 24 hours I've gone from excited as hell about the new xbox to deciding whether I want a PS4 or a GTX770....
  • Faygo01
    Microsoft has said that all player accounts on the one system the game is first registered on can play the game without paying a new fee. You only pay a new fee when you take the game over to a friends house and try to use it with there account. There is no fee though if you take it over to there house and play it with you account. This is still some what bullshit though.
  • jack1982
    "Exciting"? Good grief. I learned absolutely nothing about the new Xbox yesterday that I didn't know two months ago, other then the name and what it looks like. I spent the better part of an hour listening to salesmen try to sell me something without giving me any reason at all to buy it.
  • Grandmastersexsay
    No one gives a crap about their Xbox gamerscores, and people care even less about avatars.

    As for charging a fee for every new account used for a game disc, there goes the Xbox game rental market.

    I have a feeling Microsoft wants to get out of the console business all together. I have been a loyal Xbox consumer since day one. I bought the first Xbox the first year it came out, and I have bought three Xbox 360s. One of those 360s was to replace a broken one. This will be it for me though. I won't tolerate this draconian gaming model any longer. A new PlayStation it is then.
  • xelliz
    10843937 said:
    No one gives a crap about their Xbox gamerscores, and people care even less about avatars.
    Actually, a lot of people care about this. Trueachievements has about 200k members and thats just one site for xbox achievements.

    Whilst we're making a much bigger bet on natural identity with the camera
    I know its not just me, but being required to run a camera attached to a DVR device that has internet access to use my Xbox is complete BS. This alone is enough to send me to the PS4 camp.
  • gm0n3y
    the One will require an additional installation fee for every new account for a game.
    Whoa, wait a minute there. I haven't been following the xbox news too closely, but are they seriously saying that if you have different people using different accounts on the same system that they will have to pay more money to play the same games? That is crazy. So if you are a family with a few gamers, they will all either need to use the same username or pay for each user for each game. I must be misunderstanding because that would be fu*king retarded.

    *edited to make comment family friendly.
  • none12345
    Why would they port over achievements and game scores for games that are not playable on the xbox one? That makes little sense to me....