ATI Radeon HD 5830 Fills Price/Performance Gap

AMD keeps on rolling out with the DirectX 11 GPUs from ATI. The company today introduced the ATI Radeon HD 5830 graphics card, which at $239 USD, fills the gap between the 5770 and 5850.

"The ATI Radeon HD 5830 graphics card makes enthusiast-level performance even more accessible to gamers, adding another compelling choice to the award-winning ATI Radeon HD 5800 series," said Matt Skynner, vice president and general manager, AMD Graphics Division. "Cutting-edge features such as full DirectX 11 support, ATI Eyefinity multi-display capabilities and ATI Stream technology position the ATI Radeon HD 5830 graphics card to become a favorite with the gaming community."

We've put the Radeon HD 5830 through our own range of tests and found it to be a worthy offering, especially for those who were unable to find a Radeon HD 4890.

Incredibly similar gaming performance makes comparisons between the Radeon HD 5830 and Radeon HD 4890 easy. The similarities don't end there, as both cards were launched at similar price points. Almost certainly, given enough time and (hopefully) some competition, the Radeon HD 5830 will drop in price and deliver the same price/performance ratio that the Radeon HD 4890 has spoiled us with. And let us not forget that the 5830 delivers more than game performance alone. It uses half the idle power of the Radeon HD 4890, notably less power under load, and supplies us with all of the Radeon HD 5000-series goodies that make these new cards such an attractive prospect. Of course we're talking about Eyefinity triple-monitor gaming, bitstreaming high-def Blu-ray audio over HDMI, and DirectX 11 compatibility. On top of that the reference card is notably quieter than the 4890, although there is a compromise that has been made in the large size of the card.

Check out our full review here.

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • Bluescreendeath
    The price of the 5830 at $240 is a bit too high...I'd rather either get a $200 ATI 4890 (still pretty common) or spend an extra $50 to get a much better ATI 5850.
  • Judguh
    I just have one question for the Tom's Hardware editors. Why write up this news article when its clear that you guys have a new feature article on the left of your homepage which tells us everything about the 5830? (that article, by the way, was a very awesome, informed article) :D

    On another note - I'll probably stay away from the 5830 til it comes down to the $199 - $209 price point. It would just seem wise to me...
  • redplanet_returns
    5870 size...but 5770+ performance...

    i'll wait for the 5870 price drop...
  • FlorinR
    it looks like that new gen of cards is just a low power+Eyefinity+die shrink of the HD4xxx series
  • carlhenry
    it looks like that new gen of cards is just a low power+Eyefinity+die shrink of the HD4xxx series

    at least there is progress. imagine this cards will be the igp's of the future. low low power, eyefinity and dx20.1

    now, if fermi can raise the bar feature-wise... we'll see
  • towely
    this card seems very overpriced. $250 for comparable performance to a 1+ year old card? No, thanks.
  • JohnnyLucky
    I'd really like to see an extraordinary video card of exceptional value introduced for $99.99. It doesn't look like it's going to happen.
  • BobDotBarker
    I see 3 on Newegg when I just checked. Doesn't show up in the left column filter list but you can search for 5830.
  • cknobman
    No matter how you slice it most of the 5xxx series below the 5850 are disappointments.

    Customers expect more performance from a new gen and this is not what we are getting. Even though the core is clearly capable of much more AMD is crippling them and telling us we should ignore performance and be happy with extra features and then to put icing on the cake all the 5xxx cost more than their 4xxx counterparts!!!

    Less performance for more money???? New features that in large part cant be useful enough because the card is to crippled to REALLY take advantage of those features???

    Shame on you AMD your getting greedy. I hate Nvidia and own your stock but your doing nothing for me now. I have to hope fermi gets here soon and does a half assed job so there will be some kind of competitiveness in the market.
  • BobDotBarker
    It looks like Newegg has 3 available.