Nvidia 197.55 Drivers Enable 4-way Fermi SLI

When the Nvidia GeForce GTX 480 and GTX 470 launched, it only supported SLI with three GPUs. While supplies of the new Fermi-based cards are still scarce, now those who find three cards not enough now have an upgrade path to add-in a fourth card.

Nvidia today released GeForce WHQL drivers version 197.55 that enables 4-way SLI for GTX 480 and GTX 470 cards.

Grab them at the links below:

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • coopchennick
    In other news, Iran is negotiating with nVidia in hopes to acquire this nuclear reactor.
  • rjkucia
    I can feel the heat from here already...
  • dogofwars
    Hmmm 2000$ and beyond just in card wow ;)
  • dogofwars
    -Hey it's hot today
    -No it's just the neighbor using a 4 Way SLI 480 GTX
    - !???
  • ryman546
    lol yes they pack some heat. Alot of power cranking out of them though.
  • bdcrlsn
    That'll keep many a basement cozy during the winter months.
  • warmon6
    Fire up those cards! Need a little more heat to cook my marshmallow
  • rhelme
    So do they make a 2000 watt power supply yet?
  • tipmen
    Great Scott! You will need a fission reactor to power that rig.
  • brother shrike
    The drivers may allow it, but the laws of physics don't. There's no way you can use four of those things without your rig melting.