Nvidia GTC 2010: GPUs for 3D Audio, Robot Cars

Nvidia's GPU Technology Conference wrapped up for 2010. While we may think of GPUs being the key driver of our graphics – particularly our games – there's some very serious applications that take advantage of the GPUs strengths over traditional CPUs.

Here's a wrap up from the final day:

GPUs used for on 3D Audio

Cancer Research and Supercomputing

Sportvision Augmented Reality Enabled by GPU Computing

Fireside Chat with Jen-Hsun Huang and Quentin Hardy

GTC Closing Keynote Takes GPUs Into the Future with Robot Cars

Marcus Yam
Marcus Yam served as Tom's Hardware News Director during 2008-2014. He entered tech media in the late 90s and fondly remembers the days when an overclocked Celeron 300A and Voodoo2 SLI comprised a gaming rig with the ultimate street cred.
  • ares1214
    Less ads more cards!
  • kikireeki
    Looks like Nvidia is walking away from mainstream.
  • nebun
    kikireekiLooks like Nvidia is walking away from mainstream.
    not true, nvidia is just spreading it's wings....very smart idea if really think about it
  • Poisoner
    Begin nVidia death scene.
  • kikireeki
    nebunnot true, nvidia is just spreading it's wings....very smart idea if really think about it
    I hope so!
  • Gin Fushicho
    I hope they aren't spreading themselves too thin.
  • reprotected
    ^ Nah, Nvidia is doing much better than ATI in professional studios. Their new Quadro 6000 overkills the FirePro 3D V9800, ATI may have to do some catching up there. Plus, their underpowered Teslas are doing quite good too.
  • pratkal
    reprotected^ Nah, Nvidia is doing much better than ATI in professional studios. Their new Quadro 6000 overkills the FirePro 3D V9800, ATI may have to do some catching up there. Plus, their underpowered Teslas are doing quite good too.
    costing 2 time the cost btw more the market better for the company
  • dEAne
    and I thought they just for gaming.
  • Lutador148
    Have nvidia released any news on any possible new cards?