Mad Catz Announces S.T.R.I.K.E.M Mobile Keyboard

Mad Catz is today adding a new product to its GameSmart portfolio of products. The new addition is a mobile keyboard dubbed the S.T.R.I.K.E.M and will be available later this year.

Mad Catz is pitching the S.T.R.I.K.E.M as ideal for tablets, smartphones and laptops but also says that the product would be as well suited to its own M.O.J.O. Micro-Console for Android. The S.T.R.I.K.E.M comes with support for both Bluetooth and NFC in terms of connectivity. The S.T.R.I.K.E.M's exact size is not mentioned, but Mad Catz does say it features a tablet-sized footprint, so that should give you some idea of how big it is.

The S.T.R.I.K.E.M features backlit P.U.L.S.E. scissor keys and an Optical Finger Navigation Mouse Sensor with dedicated mouse buttons, as well as dedicated media buttons, a volume scroll wheel, and onboard memory for storing macro commands.  It's powered by a rechargeable Lithium Polymer battery (which means no fiddling around with batteries).

No word on pricing for availability other than the fact that it will be out in time for the holidays. You'll have your pick of red, black and white once it is available, though.

Follow Jane McEntegart @JaneMcEntegart. Follow us @tomshardware, on Facebook and on Google+.

  • Brian Schonewille
    Hope it works as well as it looks...
  • UVB076
    Someone should tell them that the backcronyms just make them seem childish.
  • Shimanto Corraya
    will it be good for PC gaming? the design looks like a little weird to me ... :/
  • revered
    Looks awesome, but I have my doubts about functionality. For one, the numeric line is shifted a full key to the right which will mess with muscle memory pretty badly. The 'W' key is normally sitting halfway and below the '2' and '3' keys whereas here the '1' key is almost directly above W. This means you just lost ring finger usage on the left hand for tapping those.
    Also, the left shift is a full key position to the left of normal because they had to stuff the backslash key somewhere after giving the right side of the keyboard a 'cool angular look.' They chose to put it between the left shift and Z keys. This means your pinky finger will be stretched twice the distance to tap that for running or whatever. People may still love it and simply adjust, but I wouldn't buy this for looks or features without accepting that your normal playstyle will need some time to adapt.
  • cats_Paw
    As a gamer (for over 20 years), i would not buy that. Looks fun, but probably horrible to use.