Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Glitch Flies Pilots Into Wormhole

A pilot in Microsoft's 2020 Flight Simulator has found a world breaking glitch that resembles a wormhole or black hole that warps the ground around the player turning the game into a scene from the movie Interstellar. (Via Screenrant)

Microsoft Flight Simulator Glitch

(Image credit:

The pilot posted a video of their flight on Reddit as they took off and flew into the "wormhole" or rather they fell from the edge of the world into the hole. As they dive down the ground warps even more, with the plane spinning to help slow down and appreciate the crazy scenery. Soon all the textures disappear and the world is a blurred vista through the cockpit.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 uses 3D mapping software to get 3D data for all the terrain in Microsoft flight simulator 2020, which is somewhat similar to Google Earth. But MSFS 2020 is the first to use it in a simulator and on such a broad scale. So it should be expected to have issues like this. Apparently, the elevation for this specific part of MSFS2020's world has an incorrect elevation programmed into the 3D mapping tools causing the interstellar like anomaly. This isn't the first time an error in the source data has caused such an anomaly, recently a data error created a towering monolith in the middle of nowhere. It is hoped that this glitch will be patched by Microsoft in an future update.

Aaron Klotz
Contributing Writer

Aaron Klotz is a contributing writer for Tom’s Hardware, covering news related to computer hardware such as CPUs, and graphics cards.

    Ehh, could be worse. At least the game doesn't use Apple's initial attempt at street data.
  • jasonkaler
    Flat Earth proof! They forgot to cover up the edge of the world
  • DotNetMaster777
    It looks as a bug !?