No Microsoft Office for UK Android Users Just Yet

Microsoft on Wednesday finally released a version of Office 365 for Android smartphone users. Unfortunately, if you're in the UK, you won't be seeing any of that action. Not to worry, though, you're not alone. Microsoft's Julia White wrote in a blog post that the application is currently for Android users in the United States. 

Similar to the launch of Office 365 for iOS, the app is for Office 365 subscribers only, which means you'll have to get a subscription to Microsoft's Office 365 Home Premium and ProPlus before you can use the app. If you don't have an Office 365 subscription and don't fancy forking over the cash just to try the app, you can get a 30-day trial of Office 365 on and take the app for a spin as well. 

The app will give you mobile access to the likes of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, SkyDrive and more. Though you'll have to be in the USA to enjoy Office for Mobile on your Android phone right away, Microsoft has promised to release the app in other countries over the coming weeks. Hopefully we won't have to wait too long.

  • why couldnt i pay a one off price rather than a subscription, id rather buy the app outright than have it rendered useless if something happened