Report: AMD Taps MediaTek to Develop Custom Wi-Fi 6 and 5G Chips

(Image credit: Shutterstock)

AMD is allegedly getting into bed with MediaTek, DigiTimes reported yesterday. The publication's sources claimed that the two parties are working on Wi-Fi 6 ASIC chips and will eventually transition to 5G modems. MediaTek has refused to comment on the matter, since it doesn't disclose information on clients or projects.

If DigiTimes' information is legit, AMD and MediaTek's collaboration will commence with the development of custom Wi-Fi 6 ASIC chips. The publication didn't mention if the project included wireless cards, though. Unlike Intel, AMD doesn't have any in-house wireless solutions. As a result, AMD-based motherboards and laptops employ a wireless solution from a third-party vendor, such as Intel, Realtek or Rivet Networks, (which Intel now owns).

Apparently, AMD's partnership with MediaTek isn't a casual fling. DigiTimes' sources think that the two companies will eventually work on 5G modems. 

The hearsay doesn't come as a complete shock. Last month, Intel struck a deal with MediaTek to bring 5G connectivity to Intel-powered devices. The first MediaTek and Intel 5G-ready enterprise and consumer laptops are schedule to launch early next year. Knowing AMD, the chipmaker probably doesn't want to be left in the dust.

DigiTimes' sources didn't provide any time frames. But don't be surprised if your next Ryzen laptop comes with a MediaTek or AMD-branded Wi-Fi 6 and/or 5G chip. The first Intel-based 5G devices are expected for earl 2021, so AMD shouldn't be far behind.

Zhiye Liu
News Editor and Memory Reviewer

Zhiye Liu is a news editor and memory reviewer at Tom’s Hardware. Although he loves everything that’s hardware, he has a soft spot for CPUs, GPUs, and RAM.

  • Zizo007
    I have a Mediatek Xiaomi cellphone, not the fastest but very good for its price (Not OLED). No issues.
  • gg83
    Why do you think Intel and AMD would rather use a 3rd party than produce it in-house? Is there very little profit vs r&d maybe?