Draw A Picture And Win 'The Witcher 3' From Tom's Hardware Community

Here at Tom's Hardware, we have been enjoying The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Our community wants you to be able to enjoy it, too!

Over in the PC Gaming section on our forums, we're giving away two more copies of the game! This time, we're going to make it a bit more interesting.

To enter, we want you to draw the Witcher's Medallion. Don't fire up Photoshop, though -- we want to see how you draw with pen and paper! Scan it or take a picture and put your masterpiece in our contest thread for a chance to win (don't put your entries here! They won't count!).

We also have a few fun ways to get bonus entries, which you can also find in the contest thread.

You have two weeks to enter this contest. It ends 12 pm EDT on Friday, June 19. Winners will receive their prizes via Steam gifts, so you'll need a Steam account to receive and play the game.

Find full contest rules and all of the ways to enter here!

Good luck!

Tom's Hardware Community

The Tom's Hardware forum community is a powerful source of tech support and discussion on all the topics we cover from 3D printers, single-board computers, SSDs, and GPUs to high-end gaming rigs. Articles written by the Tom's Hardware Community are either written by the forum staff or one of our moderators.

  • FloKid
    If only every participant could win, oh I dunno maybe a year of free tea bags...of your choice of course.