Fraunhofer Institute creates transparent OLEDs

Scientists from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research (IAP) in Potsdam, Germany, claim to be first to have developed transparent organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs). While already shining in brilliant colors, transparent OLEDs can be merged with traditional LCDs to enable displays with greater color capability and layered information displays.

Especially intriguing is the vision to integrate transparent OLEDs in simple glass windows. For example in cars, windows can be advanced to serve as tool to display various kinds of information while the visibility through the windows is maintained. According to the IAP, the transparent OLEDs can also be combined with traditional TFTs and serve as back and front light and to provide LCDs a second physical layer of display capability.

The IAP did not say when the technology could be commercialized.