OpenGL Turbobooster - Diamond's FireGL2


Diamond FireGL2 takes the lead over the Quadro2 Pro card in the majority of benchmark categories. This test proves that the crucial point with OpenGL is not high polygon and fill rates, as with 3D gaming.

The FireGL developer team from Starnberg/Germany did an excellent job adjusting hardware to professional workstation applications and optimizing drivers for AMD and Intel platforms.

Diamond tested an impressive amount of applications as well. The conclusion is therefore rather simple. Diamond's FireGL2 definitely deserves our recommendation.

The FireGL2 has a good price/performance ratio, and all necessary connectors are in place: We find analog VGA Out, a DVI I connector for digital flat panels and a socket for the CrystalEyes-spectacles from Stereographics. The recommended retail price of US$1200 leaves FireGL2 within the "sweet spot".

Looking at the Quadro2 Pro reference card aka Elsa's Gloria III, NVIDIA's origin from 3D gaming becomes quite obvious. NVIDIA Quadro 2 Pro was able to gain considerably over last year's Quadro chip, but Diamonds equally priced product is able to show NVIDIA who is boss. The only time FireGL2 demonstrates some weaknesses is with texture-intensive models.

Uwe Scheffel