PCI Express 3.0: On Motherboards By This Time Next Year?

PCI Express 3.0: The Timeline

Al Yanes, president and chairman of PCI-SIG, and Ramin Neshati, chairman of the PCI-SIG Serial Communications Workgroup, addressed the current timeline of PCI Express 3.0 development.

On Wednesday, June 23rd, PCI Express 3.0 revision 0.71 was released. Yanes stated that the 0.71 release marks what is believed to be the resolution of the backward compatibility issues that had caused an initial delay. Neshati described the primary compatibility issue as “DC wandering,” which he explained as PCI Express 2.0 and earlier devices “not having enough zeros and ones” to satisfy the demands of the PCI Express 3.0 interface.

Now that the backward compatibility issues are resolved, the PCI-SIG says it is on track for the base release of the 0.9 revision “later this summer.” This is expected to be followed by the base release of revision 1.0 in the fourth quarter of this year. 

Of course, the most pressing question is when can we can expect to see PCI Express 3.0-based motherboards on store shelves. Neshati stated that he expects to see initial products in the first quarter of 2011 (the “FYI” triangle on the Timeline image). 

Neshati added that there would be “no silicon-impacting changes” (the only changes would be software/firmware-related) between revision 0.9 and revision 1.0, which is what will allow some products to start to trickle into the marketplace before the final release of the 1.0 revision. During this time, products will be able to qualify for the PCI-SIG “Integrator’s List” (the “IL” triangle), which is PCI-SIG’s version of an approval logo.

Neshati jokingly referred to the third quarter of 2011 as the “Fry’s and Buy” date (an apparent reference to Frys.com and either Buy.com or Best Buy). This is the time in which we can expect to see a large selection of PCI Express 3.0-based merchandise for sale on the Web and in retail stores. 

  • cmcghee358
    Good article with some nice teases. Seems us regular users of high end machines won't see a worth until 2012. Just in time for my next build!
  • tony singh
    What the..... pcie3 already devoloped & most games graphics are still of geforce 7 level thnk u consoles..
  • darthvidor
    just got pci-e 2.0 last 2008 with my x58 ... time's flying
  • iqvl
    Good news to peoples like me who haven't spent any money on PCIE 2.0 DX11 card due to nVidia's delay in shipping GTX460.

    Can't wait to see PCIE 3.0, native USB3/SATA3, DDR4, quad channel and faster&cheaper SSD next year.

    In addition, I hate unreasonably priced buggy HDMI and would also like to see the Ethernet cable(cheap, fast and exceptional) based monitors as soon as possible.

    One more tech that I can't wait to see: http://www.tomshardware.com/news/silicon-photonics-laser-light-beams,10961.html

    WOW, so much new techs to be expected next year!
  • ytoledano
    Processor speed *is* increasing exponentially! Even a 5% year-on-year increase is exponential.
  • Casper42
    I havent read this entire article but on a related note I was told that within the Sandy Bridge family, at least on the server side, the higher end products will get PCIe 3.0.

    And if you think the Core i3/5/7 desktop naming is confusing now, wait till Intel starts releasing all their Sandy Bridge Server chips. Its going to be even worse I think.

    And while we're talking about futures, 32GB DIMMs will be out for the server market most likely before the end of this year. If 3D Stacking and Load Reducing DIMMs remain on track, we could see 128GB on a single DIMM around 2013, which is when DDR4 is slated to come out as well.
  • JonnyDough
    After an unfortunate series of untimely delays, the folks behind PCI Express 3.0 believe they've worked out the kinks that have kept next-generation connectivity from achieving backwards compatibility with PCIe 2.0. We take a look at the tech to come.

    It's nice to see the backwards compatibility and cost be key factors in the decision making. Especially considering that devices won't be able to saturate it for many years to come.
  • rohitbaran
    Nothing in the world of graphics is getting smaller. Displays are getting larger, high definition is replacing standard definition, the textures used in games are becoming even more detailed and intricate.
    Even the graphics cards are getting bigger! :lol:
  • iqvl
    rohitbaranEven the graphics cards are getting bigger!I believe that he meant gfx size per performance. :)
  • Tamz_msc
    We do not feel that the need exists today for the latest and greatest graphics cards to sport 16-lane PCI Express 3.0 interfaces.
    Glad you said today, since when Crysis 3 comes along its all back to the drawing board, again.