All content archive
February 2010
210 articles
- February 27
- Incredible High-Resolution Die Imagery Of Nvidia GPUs
- Three Generations Compared: Why Storage Density Matters
- Blizzard "Still Targeting First Half" For StarCraft II
- Caption Contest: Gates and Jobs Do Dinner
- School Shows Off Webcam Spying Capabilities
- StarCraft II Beta Impressions and Screens
- QOTD: Should Schools Use Laptops to Watch Kids?
- Just Cause 2 Demo Released Next Week
- February 26
- Upcoming Asus Eee PC's Have 14-Hour Battery
- Samsung's Active 3D Glasses Gets Priced
- Pyramid PC Will Make Stargate Fans Drool
- HDDs, The Next Generation: Drives With 4KB Sectors On The Way
- Crucial RealSSD C300 Has 355MB/s Read Speed
- The Olympics Chose Windows XP Over Vista, 7
- Inserting Blu-ray Disks May Freeze Windows 7
- February 25
- Star Wars Lightsabers in USB Flash Drive Form
- New Microsoft BlueTrack Mice Are Way Cheap
- Microsoft's "Spy Guide" Handbook Leaked Online
- ATI Radeon HD 5830 Fills Price/Performance Gap
- ATI Radeon HD 5830: Bridging The 5700- And 5800- Price Gap
- SanDisk Shipping New G3 SSD With ExtremeFFS
- Just Cause for Upgrading to Vista, 7 for DirectX 10
- February 24
- CONTEST: Win a USB 3.0 Laptop and Hard Drives
- LG 1st To Get Official Win 7 Touch Certification
- Windows 7 Anti-Piracy Update Now Live
- Valve's Steam Ditches Internet Explorer for WebKit
- Google to Drop IE6 YouTube Support on March 13
- EU Asks Google About Anti-competitve Allegations
- Activision's Blur Allows You to Tweet and Drive
- Budget Computing: Nine H55 And H57 Motherboards Compared
- Intel: We Were Hacked Too
- John Carmack Gets Lifetime Achievement Award
- Nvidia Releases GeForce GT 300 OEM Series Bump
- February 23
- Security Consultant Wrote Code for Google Hack
- Lenovo Says Customers Don't Want Slate-Tablets
- Habey's Small Atom-Based PC is Fanless
- BioShock 2 PC Widescreen Bug Fixed
- MSI's All-in-1 Has 3D, Core i7, Full HD 120Hz LED
- Nvidia to Unleash 'Fermi' GF100 on March 26
- FTC Warns 100 Organizations of Data Breaches
- Maximum Efficiency: Build A 25W Performance PC Using Core i5
- Microsoft Giving Away Custom MacBook Pros
- Rescuecom PC Reliability: Apple, Asus, Lenovo
- February 22
- Nvidia Branded PC: GeForce PC Kit is for DIY'ers
- FBI Investigating Student Laptop, Candy Scandal
- MSI Unveils 16-inch Gaming Laptop
- Professor Smashes PC Dipped in Liquid Nitrogen
- Apple Fancouple Get Married at Apple Store
- Chuck Norris Botnet Roundhouse Kicks Routers
- Computerworld's Win 7 RAM Source Was a Sham
- Bad Company 2 PC Supports Eyefinity, 3D Vision
- February 20
- February 19
- February 18
- Foxconn Guards Kick and Threaten Reporter
- Blizzard Wants Battle.Net As Gaming's Facebook
- What Gates and Jobs Really Think of Each Other
- S3 Dual-GPU Card Competes with ATI Eyefinity
- The StarCraft II Beta Part 1: Download, Install
- HP Planning to Beat Apple in Tablet Pricing War
- Star Trek Online: Game Performance Analyzed And Benchmarked
- More iPad Cost Estimates Show Room for Price Cut
- ''Clash of the Titans'' PC Giveaway From Shuttle
- Asus Wants to be Another Apple; Has Killer Product
- February 17
- Blizzard's StarCraft II Closed Beta Begins
- This Netbook and Lego Solves Rubik's Cube in 12s
- Guy Shot Over Gaming Noise, Beating Up Mom
- Microsoft to Charge for Windows Phone 7
- Microsoft Injects Outlook With Social Network Mojo
- Metro 2033 for PC Supports DX 11, 3D Vision
- Clarkdale Efficiency: The Perfect Clock Rate For Intel's Core i5-661
- ATI Catalyst Drivers Updated/Optimized For Eyefinity/Mobility
- iMac Survives Fire; Burnt, Melted, Fully Operational
- Gas Powered Games' New RTS: Kings and Castles
- February 16
- SOE Launches New EverQuest II Expansion
- Diablo III Female Barbarian Revealed
- Intel and Nokia Join Forces to Make Linux OS
- Microsoft Phones to be Tegra Powered?
- Acer Outs First Nvidia Ion 2 Netbook With Optimus
- eBay Seller Auctions AMD 12-Core Opterons
- Nvidia Employee Didn't Say "Bomb" on Airplane
- Part 2: 2D, Acceleration, And Windows: Aren't All Graphics Cards Equal?
- February 15
- February 13
- February 12
- Android OS Powers HP's New Smartbook
- Dead Rising 2 Hits PC in August (Trailer Inside)
- Sub-$70 USB 3.0 Flash Drive in the Works
- Microsoft's Bing Gains from Google's January Dip
- BioShock 2 PC Shuns the Xbox 360 Gamepad
- Microsoft Details Office for Mac, Includes Exchange
- Microsoft: Malware Causes XP's MS10-15 BSOD
- Black|OPS Awesome Gaming Rig Starts at $1,709
- Adaptec MaxIQ: Flash SSDs Boost RAID Performance
- Windows 8: 'Completely Different', 'Mind-blowing'
- Firefox Add-on Exonerated From Trojan Quarantine
- BioShock 2 PC Has Widescreen Bug; Fix Coming
- Microsoft Pushing Patch to Snuff Out Win 7 Pirates
- Microsoft: "We Were Smoked" By Apple iTunes
- February 11
- Small Utility Helps Tweak SSD Performance
- Firefox 3.7 Alpha 1 Arrives for Preview
- Lian Li's T1 Pitstop PC Case Looks Like a Spider
- Postage Stamp-Sized SSDs On The Horizon
- WD's 1TB SATA 6.0 Gbps HDD Out in Japan
- Microsoft, Apple Both Targeted in Patent Lawsuit
- VOTW: Dungeons & Dragons on Microsoft Surface
- Dell's 27-Inch LCD Does 2560 x 1440 But No LEDs
- Lastest Windows XP Update Causes BSOD Loop
- Bill Gates: The iPad Isn't All That
- Ron Jeremy Says Violent Games Bad, Sex Good!
- Intel Launches New 2 Billion Transistor Itanium
- February 10
- Dead Space 2 PC Not Out of the Picture; Still Hope
- Steam Gamers Upgrading to 64-bit Win 7 Quickly
- Student's Robot Becomes Intel's Processor Demo
- Logitech Desktop Can Keep Rolling for 3 Years
- Microsoft Hotfixes Windows 7 Memory Leak
- (Update) StarCraft II Multiplayer Beta This Month!
- EA: Star Wars Old Republic MMO Beyond Q2'11
- City of Heroes Gets Visual Upgrade
- February 9
- ATI Radeon HD 5570 is for Bang-for-Buck Gamers
- EA Ditching Plans for PC Version of Dead Space 2
- Microsoft: Windows 7 Isn't Killing Batteries
- Tom's Launches Two iPhone Apps
- Diablo III Female Monk Now Official
- Convert Your CF Cards into an SSD
- Nvidia Primes Optimus Mobile Graphics Tech
- ATI Radeon HD 5570: Reasonable Gaming Performance For $80?
- February 8
- Video: Are Intel Core CPUs Better than this Robot?
- FAST! IBM Develops 100GHz Transistor Device
- Google Runs 3-month Old Video as Super Bowl Ad
- Nvidia: External Laptop GPUs Are "Big Opportunity"
- PICTURED: Gigabyte's M1405 with External GPU
- IBM Launches New Octa-core Chips and Servers
- Harddrives to Hit 3TB Capacities By November
- RWS: Postal III is "Looking Good"
- China Closes Hacker Training Site w/ 180K Users
- Q&A: Tom's Hardware And Kingston On SSD Technology
- February 6
- ATI Issues Fix for Grey Screening 5800 Series
- In Pictures: The Most Promising Tech Of 2010
- In Pictures: Tom's Hardware's AMD/Eyefinity Event
- Microsoft Patching 17-year-old Windows/DOS Bug
- Unboxing the BioShock 2 Special Edition
- Microsoft Disagrees With 'Clumsy' Criticisms
- Buy Office 2007, Get Office 2010 for Free?
- Diablo III's Female Monk Spotted on Camera
- Nvidia On Optimus: No Comment
- Dell Precision Laptop Gets Core i5, USB 3.0
- February 5
- February 4
- How to Make Internet Explorer 6 Crash Instantly
- Intel Gives More Details Six-Core Gulftown CPUs
- F.E.A.R. 3 Details Leaked
- You're Getting Old: The Sims Turn 10
- Gateway Refreshes FX, DX and SX Desktops
- Radeon HD 5450 Delivers DX11, Eyefinity at $50
- SilverStone Device Gives 70% HDD Boost
- Shuttle Bundles Red Faction with New J Series
- ATI Radeon HD 5450: Eyefinity And HTPCs For Everyone?
- IE8 is Now World's Most Popular Web Browser
- Star Trek Online is on Server Overload
- Hitachi Aims for 10TB Drives With Laser Heat
- Windows 7 Build 7700 Spotted (Early Windows 8?)
- February 3
- Office 2010 Hits RC Stage, But You Can't Have It
- MSFT Investigating Windows 7 Battery Problems
- QOTW: Has Windows 7 Affected Your Battery Life?
- More Details on Galaxy's Dual-GPU GTS 250
- High-Density DDR3: Five Dual-Module 8GB Kits Compared
- God of War PC Case Mod is Awe Inspiring
- Corsair Launching Three Fast New SSDs
- Analyst: iPad Costs Apple $270.50 to Manufacture
- Dell Unveils Slim New Laptop Latitude 13
- February 2
- Acer's New 120Hz LCD Ready for Nvidia 3D Vision
- $160 Headphones Inspired by WoW
- Windows 7 to Run on iPad With Citrix Receiver
- VOTW: Nokia N95 Solves a Rubik's Cube
- Nvidia Gives Fermi GF100 Official GPU Names
- VIDEO: A First Look at the Chrome OS Tablet UI
- Is Apple Already Planning the iPad 2?
- AES-NI Performance Analyzed; Limited To 32nm Core i5 CPUs
- Steve Jobs says Adobe is Lazy and Google is Evil
- PC vs. Mac in Security: Experts Share Opinions
- 10 New Diablo III Screenshots Hit the Net
- Blu-ray, DVD Media Prices Could be Going Up
- Google Paying Up to $1337 for Chrome Bugs
- BitTorrent's Top 10 Movies Pirated Last Week
- February 1
- Intel, Micron Introduce 25nm Flash Memory
- Windows 7 RC Shutdown Starts Next Month
- Chinese Tablet Maker May Sue Apple Over iPad
- Xbox 360 Gets 250 GB HDD Upgrade
- Tom's Readers Get the Eyefinity Treatment
- Leak: Fujitsu Internal Memo Over iPad Trademark
- C&C 4 Tiberian Twilight Miltiplayer Beta Launched
- PCIe And CrossFire Scaling: Does Nvidia's NF200 Fix P55?