Attack Out Of The Blind Spot: Matrox Parhelia-512 By Lars Weinand published 25 June 02 Matrox is back! After long abstinence Matrox wants to shuffle the 3D-Cards again. The long awaited 3D chip Parhelia-512 comes with lots of qualities.
First Sightings: Three Early Samples of the GeForce4 Ti4600 By Lars Weinand published 4 March 02 Boards based on the NVIDIA GeForce4 started shipping on the first day of March, and we have a first look at 3 GeForce4 Ti4600 cards from ASUS, Leadtek, and Creative.
Too Much Of A Good Thing? The Lowdown On 128 MB GeForce3 Ti200 Cards By Lars Weinand published 5 February 02
Aquanox - Bringing 3D To Its Knees By Lars Weinand published 24 January 02 We give 3D graphics cards a workout with the retail version of Aquanox, and discover the limits of power of today's 3D graphics. Your next hardware upgrade may come sooner than you think.
ATI All In Wonder RADEON 7500 By Lars Weinand published 22 January 02 ATI fleshes out its product line with an entry level All in Wonder card. We give it a run through in our labs and decide how it compares to its bigger brother, as well as Nvidia's Personal Cinema.
Win, Lose or Ti: 21 GeForce Titanium Boards By Lars Weinand published 18 December 01 GeForce2 Ti, GeForce3 Ti200 and GeForce3 Ti500 are the names of the new 3D chips from NVIDIA. We test 21 graphics cards from 10 manufacturers.
ATI All In Wonder RADEON 8500 DV By Lars Weinand published 11 December 01 The Canadian graphics chip and graphics card manufacturer presents a new flagship product in its 'All In Wonder' Series, the All In Wonder RADEON 8500 DV.